“Junior Skills”

As part of the “Junior Skills” competition, organized by the subject association of the Information Technology department, students from secondary schools No. 31 and No. 36 in Atyrau participated in this event. The purpose of the “Junior Skills” competition is to guide school students in choosing professions; to teach digital technologies through the Arduino device in the field of “Automation and Control”; and to develop innovative ideas. This project allows students to discover their abilities, delve deeper into the world of professions, and take confident steps toward their future. During the competition, students tested their skills, learned the intricacies of modern professions, and acquired new skills. At the end of the competition, information about college specialties was provided, and special brochures were distributed. Additionally, certificates of appreciation were awarded on behalf of the college director for the active participation of school students in the event. The event was organized by subject teachers M.M. Khatenova, A.Zh. Jumazhan, A.B. Kazieva, and R.Sh. Naubetova.