The game of the Quizt was held at the Atyrau agrarian-technical college named after O. Kushekov with students of the college at the QWEST ROOM “There is no corruption “.  K.T.Kabdolov, the assistant to the deputy director of the college , gave a start to the staff of the Department of the Atyrau Oblast Agency for Combating Corruption Uteshova Gaukhar  Kazi hankizy , who wished the students good luck.  QWEST ROOM aims to teach youngsters to dance, learning, and leadership, to teach them to be disciplined, to increase their resilience.  During the quest, the participant or the group tried to avoid the barriers, and he maintained the differentiation and differentiation.  Game condition: Students have entered the Cabinet for the Fight against Corruption, the Cabin of Old Booths, the “Traditional Cossack Culture” cabinet, and then asked questions of thoughtfulness and adventure.  In order to achieve the goal, our guest was looking for students ‘stories in the classroom, where they found out about the students’ questions, where they found teachers, who responded to the question, gave smileys, and smiles.  The students of groups Ivet1, 1gk1, 1jd1 participated in the game and showed themselves to be dictated, educated and motivated.  At the end of the meeting, he met in the bust for O. Koshekov , where he was awarded a prize.  The 1 st training group “Enjine group”, 1 group “Intelligent group”, group 1gk1 “Reseonable “ were nominated.  The game ended with the song Atameken.  Organizers: Head of “Parasat School”  Gulbakyt Maratkyzy, organizer of “Elsana”, teacher of history Venera Alimbaykyzy.  colleges are spiritually upset.