The knowledge of love and Creativity

On the 3 of February at the Atyrau Agrotechnical college named after O.Koshekov , a traditional  ten-day  course on ‘’Selfknowledge’’ on the  subject ‘’The  knowledge  of love and Creativity’’ was held . K.T.Kabdolov, Deputy  Director for  Educational Work , addressed the opening  of the  meeting with good wishes . The meeting was  led by A.K.Nugmarov , a selfknowledge teacher , College  librarians : SK Kuantaeva ,T.Zn.Baksygarieva presented  a book  exhibition  entitled ‘’ Word wel knowned Abai ‘’ and ‘’The  path  of Sara ‘’. A.K.Nugmarov , inviting  all students of the  group  to take part in the charity  and  love should  reach from  heart  to  heart, to feel  the depth  of human bein