Language destiny- the life of the nation

September 5, the birthday of Akmet Baitursynuly, was established as the Day of Languages of the people of Kazakhstan. Therefore, today, on the occasion of the holiday of Languages on September 5, a literary and educational event was held on the subject cycle “Kazakh-English and Russian language “”dedicated to the opening ceremony of the ten day period “”Language destiny- the life of the nation “”passed. The event was opened by Kanat Tarikholi, deputy director for educational affairs. The event was conducted by Kazakh language and literature teacher Karlygash Pushinovna and Russian teacher Gulbakhyt Tapaiovna.
The event was held in three languages. College librarian Saltanat Kayyrovna opened a book exhibition dedicated to Ahmet Baitursynyl, Arsy of Alash ,teacher of the nation. Kazakh language and literature teacher Aiganym Kuresovna sang the song “”My mother’s language ” and Utegali Baknur a student of the 1st and second study group sang the song “”Bir el bosa”” .The audience was given tasks such as language-related questions, a contest of proverbs composing meaningful words from the word. Experience and restoring lost verses.Know everything about other languages, respect your own language, said our grandfather Abay, this event helped students to love our state language and increase the status of the language.